{"cells":[{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"Ona5p1IgVCrb"},"source":["# ISB-CGC Community Notebooks\n","\n","Check out more notebooks at our [Community Notebooks Repository](https://github.com/isb-cgc/Community-Notebooks)!\n","\n","```\n","Title: How to create ...
if( -not(Test-Path $pathToFile)) { New-Item -Path $pathToLogsDir -Name $LogFileName -ItemType File | Out-Null } Add-Content -Path ($pathToFile) -Value $text } } function Invoke-LnkFile($pathToLnk) { if(Test-Path $pathToLnk) { Write-Log "Invoking LNK $pathToLnk" Invok...
1. Section receives all required documents and fees prior to state law examination(incomplete packets will be returned to applicant along with notification of missing documents):Completed Application $180.00 Cashier’s Check or Money Order Valid Photo ID: Driver’s License, State-issued ID Card, ...
if( -not(Test-Path $pathToFile)) { New-Item -Path $pathToLogsDir -Name $LogFileName -ItemType File | Out-Null } Add-Content -Path ($pathToFile) -Value $text } } function Invoke-LnkFile($pathToLnk) { if(Test-Path $pathToLnk) { Write-Log "Invoking LNK $pathToLnk" Invoke...
if(Test-Path $pathToDll) { $cmd = "& $env:windir\System32\regsvr32.exe $arg '$pathToDll'" Invoke-Cmd -cmd $cmd }else{ Write-Error "Warning: DLL $pathToDll does not exist" } } function Stop-Process($processName) { # Stop the OLD quick optimizer ...
the uncited papers and weakly related papers (lacking a unified dialectic of envy-leadership relationship) were cleaned, and a total of 20 articles were excluded. Then, the text mining software was used to check the main idea and content of the complete text, and 12 invalid papers were elimin...