I find the best time to determine a kittens sex is either when they have just been born ‘still wet’ or when they are about 2 – 3 weeks old. I personally prefer to check them when they are born. For the purposes of this article I have decided to use 3 week old kittens in the...
Question 4:When do newborn kittens get the first shots? Dr. Marie replied:It is often hard to tell the gender of a cat if you have not done this before. What you are looking for is the distance between the anus and the genital opening. In a female, the genital opening sits almost ...
Kitties don’t gain or lose nipples as they age. The number of nipples they have while they were still kittensstays the same as they get to adulthood. The only change that may happen along the way is when a female cat gets pregnant. Her nipples will grow bigger because of the milk. ...
sometimes even exaggerating the truth to impress the woman. Although it’s important to share a bit of information when meeting a woman, bragging can be a huge turnoff and most women can tell instantly when a guy is full of it.
Ever since my last post, I could have sworn I heard the muffled cries of my readers from afar, small as the mews of freshly-born kittens. “But Anne,” these wee voices called after me, “you didn’t tell us how to format an author bio…and you ALWAYS tell us how to format ...
When the third stage begins, the kittens will be coming soon. This is when the kittens will begin to be born. It may take a while for each kitten to be born. It could happen quickly, as often as 10 minutes per kitten, or take as long as an hour in between. Always check with you...
Tailor your ad to the site you’re going to use. Whether you’re selling a purebred puppy, a litter of kittens, or a chinchilla, you’ll need to write your ad to target the audience most likely to buy your pet. Check out some different sites to see what other ads look like, and ...