Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64 Architecture: x86-64 Checking the LSB version Another way to check the centOS version is using the “lsb_release” command. The lsb_release command is provided by the package “redhat-lsb”. This package may not be present by default on the syste...
Some special software runs properly only on specified Linux kernel versions. This section describes how to change the kernel version.Log in to the BMS OS.Run the followin
Check Kernel Version in CentOS 7 If we now go to, we will see that the latest kernel version is5.0at the time of this writing (other versions are available from the same site). This newKernel 5.0version is a long-term release and will be supported for 6 years...
This is an optional step that we think you need in order to get more free space. In this step, we will show you how to remove an old kernel from your CentOS 7 system. This can be done when you have several kernel versions installed on the server. For this purpose, we need to inst...
The output shows the version number of the operating systemkernel. In the example displayed below, the system uses kernel5.14.0-427. Conclusion After reading this tutorial, you will be able to check the CentOS or Rocky Linux version installed on your computer. The article also showed how to ...
This command displays the CentOS version information and the details of theLinux kernelcurrently in use on the system. Simply execute the following command to access this information: # hostnamectl Method #3: Check CentOS Version via RPM
Check the Linux Kernel Version Find Linux OS Info Using /proc/version File Next, we will use/proc file system, which stores information about processes and other system information, it’s mapped to/procand mounted at boot time. Simply type the command below to display some of your system in...
There is the easiest way to know about the current version of CentOS you are using with cat /etc/centos-release command. In this tutorial, we are teaching you how to check CentOS version. Before moving on, let’s dive head-first into knowing about CentOS version. What is CentOS? [...
Upgrade CentOS to Latest Version: 6 Easy Steps Step 1: Check current CentOS version Check the version of your current release with the command: cat /etc/redhat-release The system should display the CentOS Linux release version. Make sure the first number is at least 7.x.x. ...
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