Check Your Journal Indexed in Scopus or Not ->Search Now This is an article about how to identify Scopus indexed journals. It discusses what Scopus is and the difference between SCI, SCIE, and SCImago journals. It also details steps to follow to find if a journal is indexed in Scopus. F...
In this blog, we outline the process for verifying how to check scopus coverage, scopus Author IDs and Scopus journal titles.
doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.24917.76000Ashraf S Alias
I'm not sure what you mean by checking the "terms" of a journal.If I have understood your questions correctly, you wish to check if your target journal is indexed in an indexing database such as Scopus, ISI, or Scimago. To check if your manuscript is indexed in the ISI Web o...
As an important domain of sustainability science, trade-offs in ecosystem services (ES) is crucial for spatial planning to sustainably manage natural resources while satisfying the needs of local and non-local beneficiaries. However, there is still a growing debate in understanding, characterization, ...
These cell niches reside as a replenish for glioblastoma cells to maintain self-renewal abilities and sometimes are called tumor initiating cells. Glioblastoma is divided into four subtypes: proneural, neural, classic and mesenchymal and each subtype differ in genetic profile, molecular signaling, ...
The search in Drug Resistance Updates was not performed because our systematic review question did not correspond to the aims and scope of this journal (publication on drug resistance in infectious disease and cancer, novel drugs and strategies to overcome clinical drug resistance). A second search...
I submitted a paper to Thomson Reuters ESCI Journal, and they are asking me to complete a registration and pay a fee of around $400 to publish the paper. But later I found that my University gives preference to Scopus-Indexed journals. How can I cancel the previ...
First, a publication must be a scholarly book/chapter, journal article, or editorial. Second, the publication has to contribute to the ongoing discussion in English-language publications on predatory publishing. Although we are aware that analyzing only literature in English is a limitation of this...
CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Hesse and Anderson, 1992 Hesse J.J., Anderson C.W. Students’ conceptions of chemical change Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29 (3) (1992), pp. 277-299 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Jin and Anderson, 2012 Jin H., Anderson C.W. A ...