A subdeployment is not necessary for the JMS queue to work, but it allows you to easily target subcomponents of the JMS module to a single target or group of targets. We will use the subdeployment in this example to target the following connection factory and JMS queue to the JMS...
If an Idle connection reaches a time set inio.jmsConnectionIdleTimeit will be removed from the pool. The gateway log will display something like "Closing JMS connection" CLuster propertyio.jmsConnectionEvictionBatchSizecontrols a number of idle connection removed from the pool at once after they ex...
I'm sure with other JMS providers you are able to have a queue polled periodically. Using a database table for this basically discards the need to have a JMS queue at all as I may as well put my messages into that table instead of the queue ;) Yes, DB simulating Queues is an optio...
Welcome to the last post in the series of JMS articles on using JMS queues from within SOA. The previous posts were: JMS Step 1 - How to Create a Simple JMS Queue in Weblogic Server 11g JMS Step 2 - Using the QueueSend.java Sample Program to Send a Messa
116 | WARN | ecuted.XXX] | faultJmsMessageListenerContainer | .DefaultMessageListenerContainer 888 | 144 - org.springframework.jms - 3.1.3.RELEASE | Could not refresh JMS Connection for destination 'abcs.xxx.MyQueue' - retrying in 5000 ms. Cause: Could not connect to broker URL: tcp://...
When routing Object messages from one JMS queue to another Camel appears to require that the class is present in the classpath. Does Camel require that any class sent as an ObjectMessage be on the classpath? Resolution Normally when Camel receives a JMS message in a route it will try and ...
IMHO this will lead to situations where one message can actually block the queue for an extended period of time. if you look at the JMSBC from OpenESB the JMS BC has redelivery semantics, where messages that cause business processes to fail can either be deleted, throw an error, ...
The customer was running a JMS Receiver task with Receiver Method Name set to ReceiveDispatchSend, that received an inbound message from a JMS queue, executed a workflow and then sent a response to another queue. The customer wanted a TextMessage to be put onto the response queue rather ...
JMS Source Ack the JMS messages was not always possible. Also there was an issue with producing the messages to Kafka out of order from the JMS queue. Changes: Queue messages order are retained when published to Kafka (although they might be routed to different partitions) Ack happens for ea...
2023-11-01 14:05:53,071 INFO [org.jboss.as.messaging] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 57) JBAS011601: Bound messaging object to jndi name java:/jms/queue/DLQ 2023-11-01 14:05:53,071 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 56) HQ221003: trying to depl...