There are otherways to check IP addresses in Linuxbut these two commands are more than enough to serve the purpose. 📋 Long-time users might be tempted to useifconfig(part of net-tools), but thatcommand is deprecated. Some newer Linux distributions don’t include this package anymore and ...
To check your IP address in Ubuntu Linux, we can use the ip addr command. Open Terminal: Click on the search icon on the top left corner of the screen and type “Terminal” in the search bar. Then, click on the Terminal icon that appears in the search results. ...
IP commands in Ubuntu can be used for several purposes within a network, such as to assign, delete, set up an address, or configure parameters for network interfaces. One can say that it is an alternative to the ifconfig command of Ubuntu, but it is quite useful and commonly used nowaday...
Check for a private IP address using the terminal If you want to find a private IP address on Ubuntu using the command-line interface (CLI), just one command is required. Open Terminal. Load network information: ip a This command will load all the available network interfaces, both wir...
Alternatively, you can use curl to find it using the command below. $ curl For the private IP address, let us dig in on four ways you can quickly find it. 1. Using ifconfig The ifconfig command comes as part of the net-tools on Ubuntu and you can use it to analyze ...
Private vs. public IP addresses Theifconfigandipcommands are only good for locating private IP addresses. Users who need to locate a public IP address -- the address that is seen by the outside world -- must employ a command such ascurlin the following example. ...
In Ubuntu-based distributions, you can install net-tools using this command: sudo apt install net-tools Now you can use the ifconfig command to display the IP address of your system. ifconfig -a The output will be like this: lo: flags=73 mtu 65536 ...
In this article, you'll see various ways to change the IP address in Linux. I'll also focus on Ubuntu network configuration separately. Before you proceed any further, you should run this command tocheck your current IP address: ip a ...
Using the ping Command on Ubuntu In this section, we will be exploring how you can use the ping utility on Ubuntu. Using this tool, you will be able to check whether your device can connect to a specific syntax. The ping tool should come packaged alongside your Ubuntu distribution, but ...
Method 2 : Configure Static IP Address using nmcli in Ubuntu The another common method to set a static IP address on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is by using thenmclitool. Thenmcliis a command-line client for NetworkManager, which is used by many Linux distributions to manage network connections. It is...