Make the new package known to MiKTeX: refresh the MiKTeX filename database. To do this, click "Start/ Programs/ MiKTeX 2.x/ Maintenance/ Settings" (or similar) to get to the MiKTeX options, click the button "Refresh FNDB". The installation is complete. If you did not download the docu...
It is not installed in MiKTeX 2.9\scripts. I have downloaded it myself and put TeXcount_3_0_0_24 into that directory, but I am not confident that this path is being scanned by MiKTeX, and again I am not sure how to make that happen. I tried putting it elsewhere and providing MiKTe...
For this wiki, I will proceed my talk based on the latest version of R, R 2.15.1 and this is the list of steps you need to follow. If you have already installed R in your Windows system, make sure its path does not include space such as "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.1". If s...
5, double check whether all tools are installed correctly by opening a “command prompt” window and typing the following commands: R; gcc –help; perl –help; Tex –help, respectively. You should see a list of options, otherwise re-install or check the path if you see “… is not a...
Appium:uiautomatorviewer出现Unable to connect to adb. Check if adb is installed correctly解决办法 解决办法: 1、找到uiautomatorviewer.bat文件目录,使用文本打开 2、修改最后一行(修改前:call “%java_exe%” “-Djava.ext.dirs=%javaextdirs%” “” -jar %...
This happens when a missing package needs to be installed and the pop-up window cannot be displayed. Remedy: start MiKTeX Options and choose either Yes or No (but not "Ask me first") for the option "Install missing packages on-the-fly". If No is the only option ...
(glossaries) Language modules need to be installed separately. (glossaries) Please check on CTAN for a bundle called (glossaries) `glossaries-english' or similar. I didn't find these language packages in the miktex package manager so I tried to install them manually. I've created two ...
If you installed it globally, you will now need to run mktexlsr (or equivalently texhash) via sudo. If mktexlsr is not in the path that sudo searches, you will need to locate it. You can do: which mktexlsr sudo /path/to/mktexlsr Or if your shell allows it: sudo $(which mkt...
If I try to typeset the document again - the dialog and the error appear again.Same thing happens when I've tried installing wrapfig and a few other packages at random: cases, comma, dowith, microtype. Other packages have installed fine before. What is wrong with my setup? Please let...
I just installed TeXstudio and encountered a similar problem. Let me share the solution, maybe it will help someone. I use Miktex under Windows. I compile with pdfLaTeX, and use BibTeX and Natbib for bibliography. Problem. After I change the bibliography style (\bibliographystyle comma...