In order to runfsck, you will need to ensure that the partition you are going to check is not mounted. For the purpose of this article, I will use my second drive/dev/sdbmounted in/mnt. Here is what happens if I try to runfsckwhen the partition is mounted. # fsck /dev/sdb Run ...
System doesn't boot up normally due to wrong entry in /etc/fstab and goes into maintenance mode. How to correct it ? The system goes into maintenance mode and then requests the root password to continue. The error visible on the console may look like: Raw fsck.ext3: unable to resolve ...
In this article, i will explain how to solve “failed to mount /etc/fstab” boot error in Linux. The file in question contains descriptive information concerning the filesystems the system can mount automatically at boot time. This information is static and is read by other programs on the ...
on and check that it is running swapon $swapfile swapon --show free -h # Enable even after reboot cp -a /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.mybackup # backup your fstab file echo "$swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab # check that it wrote and that it is correct cat /etc/fstab...
In order to check that this is the case, make sure that you belong to the“sudo“group (for Debian based distributions) or“wheel“(on RedHat based ones). If you see the following output, you should be good to go. Before continuing, it is important for you to know that encrypting dis...
Some common reasons which trigger errors here are typing mistake in fstab file, mount point unavailable, file system is not formatted and wrong partition is selected. If there is any error, correct that before moving in next step. Creating quota files ...
Correct: "`cmd`" Bad: `cmd`While it is possible to use this style correctly, it is harder: Backticks require escaping when nested, and examples in the wild are improperly quoted more often than not.Not to mention this insidious trick:> x=`echo "This is a doublequote: \""`; echo ...
As shown above,fdiskpicked up the correct start and end block by itself. The next step is to enable the boot-flag: Command (m for help): a Partition number (1,2, default 2): 2 The bootable flag on partition 2 is enabled now. ...
If any of these exist, the block size is set, anddustops checking. If none are set,dudefaults to a block size of 1,024 bytes. Unless, that is, an environment variable calledPOSIXLY_CORRECTis set. If that's the case,dudefaults to a block size of 512 bytes. ...
You are right, the mount module in the current version of Ansible works on a per-mount basis and does not allow mounting all filesystems defined in /etc/fstab. The way you implemented the task is correct. What you see in the output is a warning: [WARNING]: Consider using mount ...