Guide to Tick Removal from Dogs Ticks and fleas, are pesky parasites that feed on warm blooded creatures, such as our pets. We've been in a constant battle with them for centuries and continuing. Control and prevention of ticks is extremely important in reducing the risk of disease associated...
Only try to remove ticks from your dog when they are calm and lying down. Wait until your dog is still enough for you to get a good grasp of the tick with the removal tool. If you try to pull it out quickly, you risk leaving the tick head stuck in your dog, which can increase ...
There are severaldifferent methods for preventing fleasand ticks on your dogs. These methods include a flea tablet, flea shampoos, topical treatments, and flea collars. Flea and tick collars for dogs and tablets can help keep your pet tick and flea free for up to eight months, while topical...
Check your pets all over just to be safe. Be sure to take extra care with long-haired dogs and pups with thicker fur. It can be difficult to spot ticks on these pets, so it’s a good idea to feel under their fur with your hands, especially in a...
Lyme disease is not transmitted from person-to-person; however, dogs and cats can carry Blacklegged Ticks inside and place families at risk of being bitten. Check your pets for ticks daily and talk with your vet about keeping your pet protected from ticks. Remember, that you are at risk ...
Comb through your pet’s coat regularly to check for ticks. If you do find one, carefully remove it by grasping its head with tweezers and pulling it slowly off the skin. It’s important not to crush the tick or dangerous fluids can be released, or leave a portion of the tick inside...
How to Help Avoid Tick Heads Stuck in Your Pet’s Skin Many pet owners find tick removal difficult, and for good reason: Once ticks have started feeding, they’re locked on until they finish, which can take days. Because of this, it’s recommended owners use a tick-removal tool specific...
How do you treat ticks on dogs? If you're wondering how to treat ticks in dogs, you will need tweezers and disinfectant and possibly a little help from a friend if your dog is likely to wriggle. Using the tweezers, grasp the head of the tick as close to the dog’s skin as you ca...
Ticks can also crawl around long-haired dogs and puppies which can be even more difficult to find. Regularly check your puppy and dogs for ticks after walks in the woods or grass as they may brush up against a twig or leaves infested with the pests. If ticks are found on your dog, ...
Not bathing outside dogs in over seven months is CRUEL. They don’t need a bath just for your olfactory pleasure–they also need dirt & pests airborne irritants removed from their skin. Bathing & hands-on grooming also provides the opportunity to check for ticks, wounds, tumors, etc. I...