Detached Retinas: How to Develop and Test OS X Retina Apps on Non-Retina MacBook ProsErica Sadun
As with any surgery, though, there are risks. It's rare, but you could have an infection or bleeding. There's also a chance your retina could pull away from the tissues at the back of your eye. This is called a "detached retina." Some people have an issue after cataract surgery cal...
True to human nature, most of us wait until our eyes are bothering us before we get a checkup. The problem with that approach is that we could have an eye disease without knowing it. By the time we get to an eye-care specialist, we might have lost some valuable time for treatment -...
During a dilated exam, your doctor can spot problems likea torn or detached retina or an eye tumor. They can also diagnose and monitor common eye diseases that can take away your sight: Diabetic retinopathy: Signs include blood vessels that leak, swell, or grow abnormally in the retina. ...
single run, in a monocular calibration, each eye is calibrated separately, while the other eye is occluded. Note that not all eye trackers support monocular calibration, and researchers therefore should be careful to check that this feature is available when choosing an eye tracker if they ...
At one time, handball goggles for those with no need for vision correction were simply goggles with small openings in place of lenses. It is very important to keep your helmet on during paintball games, to prevent a ruptured eyeball, detached retina or even loss of an eye. ...
or extreme dizziness, heartburn, or an ear infection. If you have certain eye conditions (glaucoma, detached retina, diabetic retinopathy, recent cataract surgery, for example), ask your ophthalmologist if it is safe to practice forward bends. Try to keep your head above your heart by using ...
When you’re searching at night, if you look directly at the object you’ve identified, you’ll likely stop seeing it. Looking directly at objects requires you to use the cone area of the retina, and that’s not very active during low-light settings. To make up for this deficiency, yo...
I managed to install the OS on the new one after a few attempts. Then I connected the older SSD with sata cable to check if I was able to get my files back, but no luck. Next, I connected the old SSD instead of the optical drive that I detached years ago. The outcome is the ...
He had unsuccessful surgery for a detached retina a couple of years ago and so has vision (not too good) in only one eye. When we were researching how and if he'd benefit from an ipad (which he wants) we weren't sure, but then I read about VoiceOver that is built into every ...