"babel-eslint": "8.0.1", "eslint": "4.8.0", "eslint-config-semistandard": "11.0.0", "eslint-config-standard": "10.2.1", "eslint-loader": "1.9.0", "eslint-plugin-import": "2.7.0", "eslint-plugin-mocha": "4.11.0", "eslint-plugin-node": "5.2.0", "eslint-plugin-pr...
ESLint, you can remove ESLint-related dependencies from package.json.Don't forget to check if ESLint is being triggered by your build process or server (e.g., Webpack or Vite).If the error still shows in the browser, clearing the cache might help.Now Enjoye your Anniversary Cake To...
I ran ESLint (version 8) on your entire project. Here are the results: - 271 files were checked for violations - Out of these, 41 files had one or more violations ## ROLE assistant ...({:function {:name parse_lint_results, :arguments { "outputLevel": "condensed" }}, :id call_...
{"name":"upmostly-nextjs","version":"0.1.0","private":true,"scripts":{"dev":"next dev","build":"next build","start":"next start","lint":"next lint"},"dependencies":{"next":"^12.1.5","react":"18.0.0","react-dom":"18.0.0"},"devDependencies":{"eslint":"8.13.0","esli...
newer versions of the language may fall outside of this range. In this case, eslint will warn you of such. There is a good chance that it will continue to work just fine, but if you do run into problems, you can downgrade your version of TypeScript by specifying it when you install...
I want to use vue-tsc for type checking in vue. I want to use lint-stage now, but vue-tsc can't seem to find my tsconfig.json "lint-staged": { "*.{ts,tsx}": [ "prettier --write", "eslint --fix", "tsc --noEmit --pretty false --skipLibCheck", "git add" ], "*.{...
@eslint/create-config@<version_name> Next, you might want to start ticking some options such as: “How would you like to use ESLint?”– I chose the last option “What type of modules does your project use?”– First option (“Import”/”Export”) ...
TheignoreCaseparameter can be set totrueif you want ESLint to ignore the case and order of imports. You can run the below command to ESLint to check for the imports. npmrun lint This would raise errors in the above example script because it has not been ordered properly. If you pass ...
ESLintto enforce code consistency, Prettierto clean up code formatting, Playwrightfor browser testing locally, Vitestfor unit testing. (Large preview) If you are familiar with any of these, you can add them to the project. We are going to keep it simple and not select anything from the li...
Step 3: Add ESLint to check for common JavaScript errors.It’s always a good idea to use a linter for your code, because it enforces consistent coding practices and helps catch tricky bugs like missing brackets or parentheses.For this project, we’ll be using ESLint....