Send link request and check response code. defcrawlLinks(self,links,file=None):forlinkinlinks:ifshutdown_event.isSet():returnGAME_OVERstatus_code=0try:request=build_request(link)f=urlopen(request)status_code=f.codef.close()exceptHTTPError,URLError:status_code=URLError.codeifstatus_code==404:if...
To resolve theValueErrorin Python code, a try-except block can be used. The lines of code that can throw theValueErrorshould be placed in thetryblock, and theexceptblock can catch and handle the error. Using this approach, the previous examples can be updated to handle the error: Example ...
Improper Indentation:Python uses indentation to differentiate between blocks of code. If your code is not indented correctly, Python will throw an error like this:IndentationErrorin Python. Incorrect Punctuation:Each statement in Python must end with a new line. If a statement is broken up incorrect...
/usr/bin/env python3# coding: utf8# Pixel color order constantsRGB ="RGB"""Red Green Blue"""GRB ="GRB"""Green Red Blue"""# fix: 改成 tuple 元组 ❌# RGBW = ("G", "R", "B", "W")# TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not str ❌RGBW ="RGBW"""Red Gr...
The above code will return the “IndentationError: unexpected indent” error message. This means that while you might have an indentation in your work, it isn’t within a Python code block. To fix this, simply remove the unnecessary indentation like this: ...
% python --version Or % python3 --version The response will show the version installed on your macOS system. How to Check Python Version in Python Code When developing an application, developers should implement a check to verify that the appropriate Python version is available. This preemptive...
How to check ifnumpyis installed in your Python script? To check ifnumpyis installed in your Python script, you can runimport numpyin your Python shell and surround it by atry/exceptto catch a potentialModuleNotFoundError. try: importnumpy ...
We can put theifstatement within a loop to avoid this error. See the code below. a=7whileTrue:ifa>5:breakprint("Break Success") Output: Break Success The above example created a loop where the condition is always true. We used anifstatement to check the condition. ...
How to Check Python Version in Linux Most modernLinux distributionscome with Python preinstalled. To check which version is installed, open a terminal window and run the following command: python3 --version Since most Linux versions now use Python 3 by default, we usepython3in the command synta...
Install Python The fastest way to determine if Python is installed is to check the Python version. Use the following command to check the Python 3 version: python3 --version If Python is installed, the terminal displays the version number. In this example, the Python version is3.9.2. ...