Nearly all background checks are governed by the FCRA, but you should know that there are an array of other laws that affect them, depending on state and region. For example, in some states, it's fine to use credit and criminal background checks for any employee, in others you can onl...
What terms appear on a criminal background check, and how should employers read them? Learn how to read and understand them in a few simple steps. How Far Back Do Background Checks Go? Background checks look for different results and cover different lengths of time. Learn about the length...
Employee background checks allow employers to verify the information offered by a candidate, often for safety reasons. According to the National Association of Professional Background Screeners, 96% of employers conduct background checks and citepublic safety as their top concern. These searches uncove...
Discusses the practice of checking the background of job applicants and employees in the U.S. Reasons behind background checks; Percentage of employee criminal record checks conducted in 2003; Concerns regarding the development of a background check policy relevant to the type of employment; ...
Need to order a self background check? Learn about how to run background checks on yourself for employment from Checkr today.
Online background check services scour the deep web to find background information, as well as criminal and sex offender records, civil judgements, and more. Get the know-how you need to make the most informed decision.
Performing a criminal background check can reveal an applicant’s past convictions for various crimes, including felony and misdemeanor offenses. This can be useful in determining whether or not an employee will pose a risk to their fellow employees or customers.Criminal records searchescan...
What is a background check? Why do you need to conduct an employee background check? What does a background check cover? What should not be covered in the background checks? CRAs and FCRA regulations How to conduct an employment background check?
Image: Background checks, when done annually, can ensure even greater benefits for many industry types. This article takes a deeper look at background checks for the hiring process, criminal background checks for employment, and what would make someone fail a background check. Background check ...
If your application is successful, then the expunged charges or conviction will be wiped from your criminal record. This means it will not show up on an employer’s background check, and is hidden from public view. The courts and law enforcement officials will still be able to see the exp...