Examples of sensors that can trigger limp mode include the mass air flow sensor (MAF), throttle position sensor (TPS) and manifold pressure sensor (MPS). Can faulty glow plugs cause limp mode? iStock.com/Denis_prof You may see the glow plug warning light while your car is in limp mode...
3. Oil Pressure Warning:as expected, this particular symbol indicates the loss of oil pressure, meaning that lubrication is either low or zero. First and foremost, check the oil level with the dipstick. If your car doesn’t have any (looking at you, BMW!), then call the towing services....
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Look at ways of improving the escape routes for hot air out of the engine bay (this isn't as easy as it first looks, as you need to know where the high and low pressure areas are in order to do it properly) Adding some vents to the top of the engine bay and at the sides of ...
Where to spray the intake cleaner. The easiest route is usually to remove the air filter and spray into the intake stream, but we note that most products do not recommend spraying on the air flow sensor and in most cars this sits quite a way upstream of the air filter area. ...
Detonation or premature ignition is the biggest problem you will face adding a supercharger to your car. If the engine pressure is too great the fuel will just ignite before the spark happens with potentially catastrophic effects. You may also find the car running rich or lean, neither of whi...
Good quality jack to lift the car off each wheel in turn to check each wheels bearings by rocking the wheel and seeing if there is excessive play Tire air compressor - to ensure the tyres are all at the correct pressure Anti freeze gravity gauge - looks a bit like a turkey baster ...
Turn down the boost. If you are running a turbo and experience fuel cut off or the engine runs lean at wide-open throttle you should suspect that the knock sensor is kicking in. This indicates that you are running just beyond the maximum and the pressure in the cylinder is causing the ...