Balding DJ, Donnelly P. 1994. How convincing is DNA evi- dence? Nature 368:285-286.Balding DJ, Donelly P. How convincing is DNA evidence? Nature 1994; 368: 285.David J. Balding and Peter Donnelly (1994) How convincing is DNA evidence? Nature 368, 285-286....
摘要: Although some of the initial controversy surrounding DNA profiling has been resolved, courts have been misled about the strength of DNA evidence.关键词: How convincing is DNA evidence?, Artículo DOI: 10.1038/368285a0 被引量: 48
Touch DNA, also known as Trace DNA or Low Copy Number DNA, is an advanced and fairly newcrime scene investigation techniqueused to collect and analyze microscopic transfer cells left behind during the commission of a crime. DNA-free forensic swabs are essential tools for swabbing surfaces for DN...
Roxanne, dead on the kitchen floor in their home in Niles, Michigan. Detectives sayRoxanne Woodhad been sexually assaulted and her throat slashed. DNA was preserved from the crime scene, but given technological limitations of the time, there wasn't enough evidence to charge any sus...
The DNA on Patrick Nicholas' cigarette butts matched the DNA found at Sarah Yarborough's crime scene.King County Superior Court All three items were rushed to a crime lab and within days, detectives received the call they had been waiting for. The DNA from the cigarette butts matched the DN...
When there's a suspect in a crime and the evidence includes a handwritten note, investigators may call in handwriting experts to see if there's a match. In some cases, it might be the one piece of evidence that gets a suspect charged and eventually convicted. But what if it's a false...
et al. Use of viscogens, dNTPαS, and rhodium(III) as probes in stopped-flow experiments to obtain new evidence for the mechanism of catalysis by DNA polymerase β. Biochemistry 44, 5177–5187 (2005). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Garcia-Diaz, M., Bebenek, K., Kunkel, T. A....
This work provides an overview of the most used skin repair ingredients, highlighting their different mechanisms of action, aiming to provide an up-to-date tool to support health professionals’ decisions. Keywords: skin repair; wound healing; trends; scientific evidence; epidermal barrier; metal ...
Another thing you should be aware of is to lock you house after you leave or after you come in.Also,check the lights and stoves before you go to sleep.Those are all examples of how to protect yourself.I think safety is the most important thing in life. ...
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