Now check to see if thekubectlcommand is activated. # kubectl get nodes Check Status of Nodes At this point, you will also notice that the status of themaster-nodeis ‘NotReady’. This is because we are yet to deploy thepod networkto the cluster. Thepod Networkis the overlay network for...
Sampling-Based Approaches to Improve Estimation of Mortality among Patient Dropouts: Experience from a Large PEPFAR-Funded Program in Western Kenya Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of HIV care and treatment programs is impacted by losses to follow-up (LTFU) in the patient population. The severity of...
He eventually moved back to Kenya, where he worked as an economist and oil consultant. His mother remarried and moved young Barack to her second husband's home in Indonesia. Here, he studied for two years at a local public school. Obama's attendance at the Muslim-run public school in ...
RBSReceive Buffer Status RBSRole Based Services RBSRadio Bearer Service RBSRobbed Bit Signaling RBSRemote Boot Session RBSRemote Boot Service RBSRemote Boot Server RBSRechargeable Battery System RBSRedundant Bit Steering RBSRegenerative Brake System ...
Global marine protection targets have been criticised for being ecologically irrelevant and often inadequate. However, they may also provide motivation for
UNEP (2001) An assessment of the status of the world’s remaining closed forests. UNEP/DEWA/TR 01-2. Nairobi, Kenya, Division of Early Warning Assessment (DEWA) Google Scholar UNEP-WCMC (World Conservation Monitoring Centre) (2000) Statistical analysis of global forest conservation. Global overv...