Discord doesn’t have an option to save chat natively. But we can use third-party tools to export the Discord chat history. You can export chats both from the direct messages and server chats. There is also a way to export specific messages, so no need to export the entire chat. Most ...
Before Discord, we never knew what it was like to have a messaging service permanently store our conversation history in the cloud. To locally store running logs on AIM or MSN, you’d need some sort of a third-party plugin. On Skype, text logs are now kept in the cloud for just 30 ...
Discord has a total of14 servers. To check your particular server’s status, scroll down below ‘Search‘ to ‘Voice‘. Click the dropdown menu and view your server’s status. If you go further down, you can see their ‘Past Incident‘ history which will give you an idea when they fa...
If the domain you’re looking to buy is part of an industry that lots of people are talking about, there are probably specific communities for that industry. Not all of those will be easily searchable sites, either.Find a relevant Discord or Slack server and look into in-person and ...
Ans.No, Discord does not show what you look up. Your searches are private and will not be visible to other users. However, it is possible that Discord could access yoursearch historyif you are using an account with administrative privileges. ...
Subscribe to our newsletter for more articles and guides on Ethereum. If you have any feedback, feel free to reach out to us via Twitter. You can always chat with us on our Discord community server, featuring some of the coolest developers you’ll ever meet :) Written by Sahil Sen Last...
When you have a Community server, theServer Subscriptionsmenu item will becomeEnable Monetization, and the prompt at the top of the page will turn intoStart Earning. If you meet the monetization requirements, you can check a box and click the button. If not, Discord will walk you through th...
Subscribe to ournewsletterfor more articles and guide on Ethereum. If you have any feedback, please feel free to reach out to us viaTwitter, and you can always chat with us if you have a question via our community server onDiscord; thanks :) ...
Even though those users swap billions of messages on a daily basis, Discord actually never deletes the text messages you send, whether you do this in direct messaging with a contact or in a server channel. If you want to quickly and easily remove all your direct messages that you exchanged...
This is just a few seconds. So, after clearing the browser history, try to respond to that Discord invite one more time. Fix 3 – Leave other servers There is a limit to how many servers you can join in Discord. Usually, this is capped at 100, meaning you can only join up to 100...