Now the standby is completely in sync with primary and recovery is running fine. Lets check that. Now check the archive status in both the databases. 1. [Primary] Find current_scn from primary. PRIMARY_SQL > select current_scn from v$database; CURRENT_SCN --- 2791422 2. [Standby] ...
Few days back ago my power cable went down and I was working in Oracle. So after power cable restoration when I tried to login to SQL PLus: It did not let me to login and I got error "Oracle Shutdown". Then I went to command prompt and connected as /sysdba and tried t...
For example, either of the following statements rolls back the current transaction to the savepoint named POINT1:SAVEPOINT Point1; ... ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT Point1; ROLLBACK TO Point1; See Also: For additional information about rolling back in-doubt distributed transactions, see Oracle8 ...
ALTER USER SYSTEM IDENTIFIED BY "***" * ERROR at line 1: ORA-65048: error encountered when processing the current DDL statement in pluggable database FREEPDB1 ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object Help: Owner gvenzl ...
after a upgrade to 7.31 SP14 I cannot use the "Overwrite JVM Settings"=true any more. So using System.getProperty() is not an option :System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "80"); I have added the proxy user and password in the...
In the trace file there should be an undo segment header dump, and so check to see if the undo segment header shows an active transaction after recovery, e.g.: TRN TBL <--- Represents the Transaction table for the particular undo segment index state cflags wrap# uel scn dba -...
iii) Please execute utlrp script in ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin to compile all invalid objects and make them valid. C) Check if the same export dump file can be imported on source database itself or other database such as test or not. ...
It is often useful to dump the internal contents of Oracle internal structures such as the control files, library cache, and redo log headers. The following undocumented Oracle commands can be used for this purpose.For each of these commands, a trace file will be generated in your UDUMP direc...
简介Snapshot standby database是ORACLE 11g的新特性。允许Physical standby短时间的使用read write模式。 Snapshot standby是由Physical standby 全新转换而来,可以独立于primary 处理事务,同时能够不断地从
and let’s say that their current SCN is 1000, 2000, 5000 respectively in these databases. At commit time, a co-ordinated SCN is needed for the distributed transaction and maximum SCN value from all participating databases is chosen; SCN value of these three databases will be increased to ...