# oc get secrets -A -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if eq .type "kubernetes.io/tls"}}{{.metadata.namespace}}{{" "}}{{.metadata.name}}{{" "}}{{index .data "tls.crt"}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | while read namespace name cert; do echo " "; echo -en "Namespa...
If you are working throughlb-int.kubeconfigthenoc rshmay not work, in that case, extract therouter-casecret, copy the x509 certificate content fromtls.crt(which has been generated from the secret) to your bastion host in a file e.g ingress-ca.crt and then move this file to the /ancho...
XDueDate.Rows.Count ' Set command to open MS Outlook Application Set xCrtOut = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") ' Apply For loop to conduct the operation in each row one by one For k = 1 To xFinalRw ' Apply If condition for the Due Date values If XDueDate.Cells(k).Value "" ...
Does anyone know how to enable MACSec on Windows Server 2012/2016 without a third party application? I know CISCO NAM can enable it. I'd like to avoid this as much as possible. All replies (2) Monday, April 22, 2019 3:32 PM You'll find more experts in dedicated forum over here....
Hi, I had used the trial version and i registered through my email while my boss was away. On his return we tried to activate it. but we haven't been - 3859145
Now select another program and check the box "Always use this app to open *.lic files". Update your software that should actually open license keys. Because only the current version supports the latest LIC file format. Search, therefore, e.g. on the MIT Data manufacturer website after an...
tls.crt parameters: usePodIdentity: "false" useVMManagedIdentity: "true" userAssignedIdentityID: $clientId keyvaultName: $keyVaultName objects: | array: - | objectName: $keyVaultCertificateName objectType: secret tenantId: $tenantId EOF # Create deployment and service in the namespace echo ...
The solution ended up being something I found on the letsencrypt site (https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/localhost-crt-does-not-exist-or-is-empty/103979): restarting Apache via systemd fixes it: systemctl restart httpd Beneath the hood, it causes the following command to run, which fixes...
the Storage Account or Container that will allow the application to retrieve the installation files; you can control the level of permissions however there is a built in expiry for the SAS token so you'd need to deploy a new version to clients with a new SAS token before the ...
To check the certificate you created, type: kubectl -n [namespace] get certificate To view information about the Secret, use theget secretcommand: kubectl -n [namespace] get secret [secret-name] The three keys contained in this secret areca.crt,tls.crt, andtls.key. For the entire Secret...