Stay humble and learn from mistakes:If you tackle a task with too much confidence, you might mess up, and then kick yourself for your flaws. Instead, stay humble and learn from your failures. If you tried to save money but had to suddenly pay to fix your broken car, that’s okay! T...
It’s an open fact that Malaysia is second most expensive country on planet earth to own a car, after Singapore. As of Apr 2013, total car loans in this country amounts to RM145 billion, second only to housing loans at RM316.2 billion. And how much the present federal government is co...
“who are on the side of people of Weng’an”, to paraphrase a widely articulated Net sentiment) could not summon up the same empathy towards the people who rioted on Lhasa streets on 14.3, steadfastly refused to address the “root cause” of Tibetan anger, were quick to slam them as ...
I have a friend operating a small wine shop, he lamented the needs to grease officials (incidentally, they are by and large MALAYS and PROFESSED MUSLIMS) at a) hari raya time, b) renewal license time c) spot check time. All this factored into and pass-on to his clients. He ...