In the navigation pane, select Logs to view all applications' logs, or one application's logs when filtering by cloud_RoleName.Manage Application Insights using the Azure portalEnable the Java In-Process Agent by using the following procedure. Go to the service | Overview page of your service...
Azure Database for PostgreSQL logs provides useful information about database activity, that can help in performance tuning and troubleshooting. While a perfect logging configuration will be a matter of trial and error, what I have explained here is how you can configure log...
Azure CLI > az login > az monitor diagnostic-settingscreate--nameconfidentialbillingapplogs--resource<Resource Id of the Managed CCF resource>--workspace<Resource Id of the workspace>--logs[{\"category\":\"applicationlogs\",\"enabled\":true,\"retentionPolicy\":{\"enabled\":false,\"days\":...
To access App Service diagnostics, navigate to your App Service app in the Azure portal. In the left navigation, click on Diagnose and solve problems –Checkout the tile for “Diagnostic Tools” and “Availability and Performance” > "Application Logs" title. With the new Azure Monitor ...
LogFiles folder for Azure Web Sites contains details of almost and everything of all the related logs from IIS logs, Detailed Error Logs, FREB logs, Event Logs, Application Logs, KUDS Logs (deployment and traces) and more.This would be the first place to look at when your ap...
How to Monitor Azure web apps using logs From the App Service blade, click App Service Logs. In the App Service Logs blade, carry out the following configuration as the image below: Click Save. From the App Service blade, click Log stream. Application logs wi...
Before you can transport logs to Azure Monitor, you need to set up an Azure Monitor Application Insights resource. You can refer to the Microsoft guide for instructions on how to create an Application Insights resource. In the screenshot below, you can see an example of the Application Insight...
It creates a storage account, an app service plan, or a hosting plan where everything will run, and the Azure Function app. It also creates an instance of Application Insights that’s used to monitor the function app & connects the function app to the AppInsights instance. ...
Could you try AzureCliCredential (which uses a different application Id to authenticate). I'm actually not using VisualStudioCredential directly. This error comes from the fallback in DefaultAzureCredential, which is created automatically as part of the ManagedIdentityTokenSource I'm using to make...
Azure web app supports multiple instances of Java application host in Tomcat. While based on Tomcat's default logging setting, all the instances' log will be archived to same file, this could bring difficulty to check what's going on in each different instance. This article is about...