How to Check Military Discharge StatusPosted by Roy L. Kaufmann [Modal-Window id=”1″]When you do business with military service members, it is important to know whether they are on active duty. If they are, you must adhere to the provisions of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, a ...
Do your due diligence and check individual clients’ military service records. One misstep in this area can result in thousands — or even millions — in fines. Rely on SCRACVS to verify your clients’ active duty status. Roy L. Kaufmann Attorney Roy Kaufmann serves as the Director of the...
How to check your FAFSA® status Once you’ve submitted your FAFSA®, you may be wondering how you can view the status of your application. Continue reading to learn more. Continue, How to check your FAFSA® status student What’s the Texas Application for State Financial...
The entire process of becoming a U.S. citizen begins with filing the Application for Naturalization (Form N-400) online or via mail. To complete an online application, create an online account with the USCIS. You will have to pay the necessary filing fees unless you are a military applicant...
There are several ways to serve in the US Military, and our team will walk you through different military information if you plan to enlist soon. Discover what you need to do...
Information about the types of radiotherapy, surgical procedures, and the status of chemotherapy was later included in the program. One of the main targets of the SEER program is to record cancer incidences and mortality rates for the entire US population. To provide insight into the potential ...
Upon submission, the case is routed to a specific Product Queue for an Agent to pick up. Requests are handled during normal business days, Monday - Friday, PST(or dependent on the Case owner). You can return to the Online Service Center to check the status of your open support requests ...
Active service: The Cricket iPhone must have been active with paid service for at least six months. Device Lock: The device must be locked to the Cricket network. You can check the lock status by contacting Cricket customer support. Device Status: Before you get the Cricket network unlock cod...
Agent Orange's development came about in part due to work by Dr. Arthur W. Galston, a botanist who researched compounds that boost plant growth, known asgrowth regulators. But after the U.S. military began using Agent Orange in Vietnam, Galston observed its effects and worked to ...
International students should note that deferring admission may complicate their ability to remain in the U.S. if their immigration status depends on active enrollment. How to Request a Law School Deferral To request a deferral, check your acceptance letter for an official deferral policy. If it...