How to Turn CAS Full Edit Mode on in The Sims 4 for PCYou can turn CAS FEM cheats off and on by pressing C + Shift + CTRL in-game to bring up the cheat console feature. After opening the cheat bar, type “testingcheats true” (without quotes) and press enter. This command allows...
I have afull list of reward trait cheats for The Sims 4 here. It includes nearly every form of trait including personality and bonus traits. We also have a guide toCheat your Satisfaction Points or finish Aspirations early. Reward Trait List That sums up The Sims 4's Reward Traits and th...
The problem is I can't even use the sledgehammer to delete the tree skirts. I can't interact with them in any way. The sims recognize they are there because they can't use items that are blocked by the skirts. @cakemaster1973 Please try removing other items in the room to your inve...
Delete Sims How toPrevent Aging in The Sims How toTurn Your Sim Into a Vampire How to Make Your Sims Nauseous or Sick in The Sims 4 How to Use Friendship and Relationship Cheats in The Sims 4 2 Easy Ways to Open The Sims Cheat Window How toMake Your Sims' Needs Static How toMake...