Usually, there are several good reasons to avoid conflicts, such as when you need more time to make a far-reaching decision since you first have to learn more about the subject matter, speak to a few more people, and so forth. But if the topic is very important to both people in the...
if someone is fired for fraud, assault, theft, vandalism, misrepresentation, harassment, working under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or dealing in illegal substances on the job, the courts are likely to rule that such conduct is gross misconduct that disqualifies them from COBRA...
Personal time is extremely important for a healthy balance. We are able to be more productive at work when we infuse our daily schedules with some downtime. However, working where we live can lead to blurred lines between work and homelife causing some to find it hard to turn off the wor...
Stop all the harassment being given to the creators. Stop all the disgusting fanart and cringy fanfictions. Make them stop spamming unfunny memes. Get rid of all the generic and terrible OCs. Get rid of all the Rule 34 and fetish art. Make the fans stop shipping the characters and mak...
Furthermore, installing CCTV cameras outside the home may be necessary for individuals who need to collect evidence of, or deter, acts of harassment, theft or vandalism. This article provides an overview of Singapore’s laws regulating the installation of CCTV cameras at your residence or ...
A domineering attitude causes consistent boorish behavior that creates problems for all. This person believes he knows best how to do everything, and happily puts himself in charge of group work. He checks up on coworkers activities, overruling anything that deviates from the way he would do it...
The terms of the payment: that we charge aflat feefor this removal service and offer a refund for any content that we are unable to remove; The flat fee for removal from a list of specific websites from which we can remove content (along with a link to each website); ...
While the affair itself was a pretty dumb move -- if you're going to have an affair, maybe don't choose someone that works for you -- the even dumber thing Clinton did was lie under oath. The affair came to light in 1998 as part of a sexual harassment investigation filed by Paula...
Reaching an agreement to pay is a recommended course of action for anyone facing debt problems with creditors. What fees can bailiffs charge? Unfortunately, bailiffs will charge fees for visiting your property which will then be added on top of any debt you already owe. These fees will be ...
This seems harsh, but we need to acknowledge this so you can drop your stories of self-importance and instead pursue the next phase of your life. Because if you want to leave, then your company doesn’t want you to stay. They want someone who wants to be there. ...