It can be hard to get into a workout routine, we know. But once you do, you'll start to see improvements in your health, and depending on your workout goals, your fitness and athletic performance. That's the good news. The bad news, perhaps, is if you stick to the same workout,...
Indeed, a home workout routine has several benefits. Because you don’t need to go out to perform your physical workouts, you’re able to save time, money, and energy. Not only that, but you also won’t have to miss an important training session regularly. However, performing ahome work...
Here are some simple steps on how to incorporate mindfulness into your workout routine for a better more enjoyable performance! Do you ever feel like your workout routine is lacking something? You’re not alone. Sometimes, doing the same thing over and over again can be tedious and it can ...
You give your meals makeover when you're trying to lose weight—here's why you need to give your workout routine a refresher, too.
Figuring out how to create a workout routine that works for you can be a difficult process. However, as long as you remember your goal, set a consistent schedule, and give yourself both variety and challenge, your exercise routine is sure to succeed. If you found this article helpful, the...
good to have someone there who is going through the same struggle as you, working as a team can be key to achieving your fitness goals by sticking to your routine. If you joined a class then you can choose a buddy from the class, or better yet commit to a new class with a friend....
Peter Attia’s Workout Routine In order to become, as Attia puts it, a “kick-ass 100-year-old,” you have to train as if you’ll actually get there. In his book,Outlive, he encourages you to consider the ten most important physical tasks you want to be able to do for the rest...
Your workout program needs to contain three essential components to be safe, effective and balanced. A balanced routine reduces your risk of injuries such as strained muscles or painful joints, plus each type of exercise contributes to your overall well-being. Aerobic exercise improves your cardiova...
When I finally learned how to get off my ass and into into the gym on a regular basis, I was able to make some amazing gains. And you can too. Below I’ve compiled the seven most essential steps to starting a workout routine for men. ...
How often should you change your workout? Like I said, there are no firm guidelines, but you could, if you like, change your workout every month and see how that works for you; you could keep doing the same exercises if they work for you; or you could listen to your body and chan...