Learning how to change a washer on a lever tap or other tap type is easy, but take note of the part removal order to put your tap back together correctly. How to change a tap washer: a step-by-step guide There are many different taps in our homes, but we’ve got a method that ...
Brand Spotlights How To Guides Radiator Buying Guide Light Bulb Fitting Buying Guide Door Lock Buying Guide Screw Buying Guide Plumbing Pipe Buying Guide How To Bleed a Radiator How To Change a Washer On a Mixer Tap BTU Calculator Connect with us:...
To change your email address on your Samsung device, go to the “Accounts” section of Settings. Then, tap “Add Account” and then “Email.” After that, you’ll be asked to enter your email address. HOW DO I CHANGE THE EMAIL ON MY ACCOUNT?
Installing a kitchen tap is a great skill to have – so direct more of your family funds to some great Christmas presents and take a couple of hours out of your Sunday to add to your home maintenance skills with this fun venture. Whether or not your new tap has been purchased ready to...
You should use Calibration mode right after your washer is installed, any time you make adjustments to your washing machine, and if you ever feel like the weight detection (and amount of water per cycle) isn't right. It only takes a few minutes, and it never hurts to do it periodically...
Here’s our list of ways to change many daily habits that help conserve water. Since most homes use the most water in the bathroom, we’ll start there. You can also save water in the kitchen, laundry room, and outside as well. ...
Last but not least, we would like to point out that, while it is not easy, it is possible to change the bearings that ensure the spinning of the drum of a Samsung automated washing machine with one’s own hands. The most important thing is to figure out what bearings are in your typ...
This switch is located in the bottom of the unit. Here's how to check and replace it: Step 1: Open the door and remove the bottom dish rack. Check to see if the float valve is stuck. If it is, clean away food debris around the float. With a screwdriver handle, lightly tap the ...
• Make sure that the cold water tap and the hot water tap are properly connected. • Clean the mesh filter as it may be clogged. For more information about the 4C error visit thelink. 4C2 Water temperature issue. • Make sure the cold water supply hose is firmly con...
the Water Valve on LG Washing Machines In this guide, we’ll explain how to change a water valve on new type LG washing machines, and explain two error codes that could indicate a faulty water valve. Washing machines typically have two types of valves: DC water valves in newer models and...