So, if you want to use “C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects” as the default path, please make sure you are not connected Team Explorer, and clickTools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Locations, change theProjects locations. ...
HOW TO:自訂功能表和工具列 (Visual Studio) Visual Studio 設定 Visual Studio 設定 一般開發設定 HOW TO:在電腦與 Visual Studio 版本之間共用設定 HOW TO:變更選取設定 HOW TO:指定小組的設定 HOW TO:重設您的設定 選項對話方塊、環境、匯入和匯出設定 Visual Studio 中的鍵盤快速鍵 選項對話方塊 (Visual...
按一下 [確定]。 您的變更會在下次啟動 Visual Studio 時生效。
How to change Visual Studio default environment setting 如何改变 Visual Studio 的默认环境设置: 1. 工具栏 Tools --> Import and Export Settings... 2. 选择 Reset All Settings,单击 “Next” 3. 选择保存设置的选项,单击“Next” 4. 选择想要设定的编程环境,点击“Finish”。 参考链接:http://stackove...
在Visual Studio 的 [檔案] 功能表中,按一下 [開啟],然後根據您要進行升級的專案類型按一下 [專案/方案]、[網站]或 [檔案]。 在[開啟專案] 對話方塊中,選取專案檔案,然後按一下 [開啟]。 如果Visual Studio 偵測到這個專案或檔案是在舊版 Visual Studio 中建立,則 [Visual Studio 轉換精靈] 隨即開啟。
Application does not run outside Visual Studio Application doesn't exit after I click close button on caption bar (the (X) button on upper right corner). Application keeps running in the background even after closing. Application Path Base directory application pointing to older version of dll ... 引用: Theipchfolder is created by the IntelliSense system and it's location cannot be changed on a per-solution basis. However, you can have VS 2010 store all of your projects'ipchfolders in your%...
If you have a Visual C# project, select the Build tab. If you have a C++ project or a JavaScript project, select the General tab. In the configuration drop-down at the top, choose the configuration whose output file location you want to change (debug, release, or all). Find the ...
About changing the installation locations, please check this doc: Currently, the ‘Download cache’ is set with your first installation and cannot be changed later from the in...
$(VCTargetsPath) is discussed in the official documentation atMSBuild internals for C++ projects. Why would you want to change its value when you don't know what it is? My visual studio works well... Leave it alone so it continues to work well. ...