We present here supplementary experiments to illustrate whether different polarization outcomes are produced if the model is run for longer periods of time. This supplementary experiment is mainly an extension of Experiment 3 in the main text, considering the involvement of authority. The model run ti...
Again, the general SARS waiting periods apply and an appeal can take up to 60 days to be finalised. There have been cases where this has gone on for 3 months and sometimes a year unfortuntely. So get all your documents in correctly the first time round and then you won't even need ...
No one could imagine at that time that COVID-19, on the one hand, would make a huge number of inhabitants sick (undoubtedly many more than what the records show), and on the other hand, it would change our vision regarding much of the knowledge that characterized the pandemics that had...
No one could imagine at that time that COVID-19, on the one hand, would make a huge number of inhabitants sick (undoubtedly many more than what the records show), and on the other hand, it would change our vision regarding much of the knowledge that characterized the pandemics that had...
Responses of springtail and mite populations to prolonged periods of soil freeze-thaw cycles in a sub-arctic ecosystem. Appl. Soil Ecol. 2007, 36, 136–146. [CrossRef] 40. Prescott, C.E. Litter decomposition: What controls it and how can we alter it to sequester more carbon in forest ...
The use of the free travel pass resulted in a more positive attitude towards bus usage, with a large number having either changed or having started to change their behaviour. When the same people were contacted three months later, 50% still used public transport. The conclusion is that ...