How do i call 'poly1' or 'poly2' from within thefor loopdepending on the users choice? Is there any way to have a variable at the end of poly like poly'i' that changes to 1 or 2? Thanks 1 Comment Rikon 17 Aug 2019 One of the concerns is trusting user input. ...
I have variable with name x with varying size of some 10000*2. 2 columns are fix, row value changing. I am getting that variable inside the for loop. How should I autosave variable inside loop ? Autonaming for every loop condition will be useful. Please reply. I want to use variable...
in my code 테마복사 ext = '*.txt'; files = dir(strcat(pathDir,slash,ext)); for i=1:length(files) B = rand(63); C = files(i).name ??? end in a loop, i want to rename variable B to C How can i do that?? 댓글 수: 1 Stephen23 2021년 3월 24일...
The year is part of the metadata (i.e. part of the variable name) and extracted from the variable name while iterating over the data step variable based array. Really is no-need for this processing to be in a macro. %macro ... data want (keep=year total_enroll); set have ; arr...
It sets up a loop that will iterate from1to30, with the loop index variable “i” taking on each value in that range. If i Mod 2 = 0 Then Debug.Print i Else End If For each value of “i” in the loop, the code checks if “i” is an even number by using the “Mod” oper...
You are retrieving the value of the slider in its own callback, but that value for Threshold_Value has nothing to do with the value for Threshold_Value in another function. Each function has its own workspace, so the variables created in one function do not exist in another function.
So we call the create_global_variable function: >>> create_global_variable() Using globals without modification You can just use it, so long as you don't expect to change which object it points to: For example, def use_global_variable(): return global_variable + '!!!' and now...
Go to theDevelopertab and selectMacros. SelectDo_While_Loop_OffsetinMacro name. ClickRun. This is the output. VBA Code Breakdown Sub Do_While_Loop_Offset() names the sub-procedure. Dim i As Integer i = 5 declares the variable; sets the initial value of i. ...
Now we will explore another type of variable, which is an integer array. The syntax to declare an integer array is int <variable name>[size] = {elements} as shown in line 4 below. In the next line, for loop is run with a print command to display all the values in the array line...
Send Private MessageFlag post as spam hi, I have a problem to define a loop in livelink. In the loop geometries with different shapes are created. The problem is how to define a parameter varies in loop? The .m file is attached below. Thanks! Attachments: R3.m...