gets converted to whatever the correct numeric value is -- 3 in thepresent scheme, but it could be different if things change. (I believe that Martin replied with this same advice, but omitted the-:country- part.) HTH --David * * For searches and help try: *
To <> Subject st: How to change value based on string variable? Date Wed, 22 Apr 2009 11:04:39 -0500Hi all, My data include 50 countries. Sometimes I need to change some values in another variable based on country name. If I leave country names as stri...
Drag up or down on the Size and Opacity controls to change the values, and refine your brush in Brush settings. Make changes to attributes such as Roundness, Angle, and Taper, and then start tracing. Tip: You can switch out a default brush with a new one. If you like using a ...
Will it be possible to provide me the XML. For example I want to highlight the server vmp-stata-01 as Red as it has one "critical" Severity field and 8 "OK" 0 Karma Reply ITWhisperer SplunkTrust 08-03-2023 08:14 AM Please share your dashboard source for this panel in ...
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I'm running into a problem where a change event in my view model cause the UI handles to update, but that's not happening on the main UI thread, which causes an exception. The important objects in this scenario are: State, which holds various values including a list of Of...
Models (2) and (5) in Table A4 present the p-values for mathematics and reading respectively. According to the authors, a larger F-test p-value implies better pre-trend fitting, since it suggests that pre-treatment differential trends have not been found. This is true for both outcomes, ...
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Dear STATA users, I wonder how I can compare the values of a variable, say var1, at different observations? (In particular I want to do regressions such as the one below) if var1(at line 2) = var1(at line 10 ) { regress y x in 2/10 } Thanks for suggestions, Sarah On 7/18...
Dear STATA users, I wonder how I can compare the values of a variable, say var1, at different observations? (In particular I want to do regressions such as the one below) if var1(at line 2) = var1(at line 10 ) { regress y x in 2/10 ...