Key strengths for Twitch streaming include the4K resolutionat30fps, powered by a large1/2-inch sensor with F1.8 aperture. TheHDRcapability ensures balanced exposure in varying lighting conditions, whilePhase Detection Auto Focus (PDAF)maintains sharp focus during movement. TheAI-powered audio system...
OBS is much more than a video recorder. With OBS we can stream our gaming sessions, be they PC based or console, directly to Twitch and other streaming platforms.
Twitch is a renowned streaming service where many folks come to search, and play their favorite clips. Though its a great platform that offers excellent services, it sometimes poses one or more challenge to end-users, especially when you integrate it with your screen recorder. This simple yet ...
One of the most important settings in FPV drone tuning isrates—they determine how your drone responds to stick inputs. If your rates are too high, your quad will feel twitchy and hard to control. If they’re too low, it may feel sluggish and unresponsive. In this tutorial, I’ll bre...
It deletes the redundant information to keep the file size down. Downsides of Compression Codecs may also reduce the number of colors in the video, lower the resolution of the video or reduce its frame rate. Lossy audio codecs may remove frequencies from the original recording that most ...
If you’re going to stream, there are some things you need to have. First and foremost, you need amicrophone. Sites like Twitch place all sort of constraints on quality, especially when you’re just starting out, so a lot of the benefit of springing for something that costs hundreds of...
While you can change your Twitch name later on, you don’t want to have to re-create all your branding in the future Step 3 Once you have finished creating your Twitch account, you will want to click on your avatar in the top right-hand side of the screen, then select “Creator ...
Allow your subscribers to influence your stream through emotes. For example, change the color on the screen or add a sound effect. Where to Find the Best Twitch Emotes? In case you find all of this a bit overwhelming, you can always ask for help. In fact, you can even hire someone to...
Mouse DPI, or dots-per-inch, refers to how many pixels your on-screen cursor moves for every inch you move your mouse. It’s sometimes called mouse resolution. For example, if your DPI is 800, your cursor will move 800 pixels when you move your mouse one inch. If it’s 1600, your...
If you use a higher resolution screen to capture from than your canvas size, you will not be capturing the full screen. If, like me, you have a multimonitor set up with different screens of different resolutions, you can always change the canvas size again later. (Image credit: Tom's ...