Maybank2u Payis an online debit payment gateway powered by Maybank, which allows customers directly make purchase with their Maybank account. It brings convenience to customers so that they do not have to perform manual bank transfer to you. The good news is, it is now available in Unicart!
1. Login to our account, click on the lower right button and “back to the classic”. 2. Click Account & Banking > Transfer. A few columns to be selected. We click New Interbank Fund transfer / New Interbank GIRO transfer. ...
Today, I will show you how to pay bill Lembaga Air Perak (LAP) online through the step by step. We pay anytime and anywhere using Maybank2u.
Previously, I wrote about the method to place Fixed Deposit (FD) online using Some of my friends ask me to write about the way to uplift / withdraw the eFD before or after maturity. Today, I will show you how to withdraw the e fixed deposit online step by step. There ...