Click on the Change picture option at the bottom left and choose your new profile picture. Once you’ve added your new picture, you can zoom in or not to get as much of the picture as you want. You can use the slider or the plus and minus icons on the sides. When you’re done,...
In the pop-up window, selectChange photoand upload a new one. Zoom in or out until you achieve your desired size then hitSave. Aside from the three listed Microsoft 365 apps, you can also log into any other app and change your profile picture from there. Read more about this topic Th...
How to change your profile picture in Zoom This article was originally published in January 2021 by Justin Pot. The most recent update was in February 2023. Get productivity tips delivered straight to your inbox Subscribe We’ll email you 1-3 times per week—and never share your information....
To go along with your profile information, it’s nice to have a picture to put a face with a name. That’s where the profile picture comes in, as a way to help people see who they’re communicating with. While this may not appear for everyone, particularly Gmail users, it will show...
The new Outlook app/interface cannot add or customize profile photos. Revert your Outlook desktop app to the legacy version to change your profile picture. Alternatively, open the Outlook web app ( in your browser and proceed from step #4 below. ...
How to change your profile picture on YouTube: iOS and Android Step 1:Tap your profile picture >Your Channel. Daniel Martin / Digital Trends Step 2:TapEdit Channel, then select your profile picture. Note that you can either take a photo or select a photo from your device to upload. ...
profile pictures you want to use. But, since you can only use one, you have no choice but to choose. The good news is that changing your profile picture on Twitter is easy regardless if you’re using your computer or your Android device. How often do you change your profile picture?
Go to the “Three Dots” option at the bottom right side of your screen and select “Delete.” The old picture is now deleted from the app. Change the Profile Picture Instead If you want keep the older photos but change the current photo with a more recent one, you’re in luck. ...
If you’ve been itching to change your profile picture on Facebook Messenger, we’re here to show you a few ways to do it. Ah, the mighty profile picture, the unsung hero of your Facebook Messenger account! It’s like your digital handshake, the first “hello” in the virtual world....
Change Zoom Settings to Blur the Background on Windows 10 Or Mac The steps when using a Windows computer or a Mac are actually the same. To blur your background before your Zoom call from your computer: LaunchZoomand sign in to your account. ...