While in Roblox Studio, jump into play by pushing F5, then expand Workspace in the Explorer on the right. Expand your Avatar and copy all of the items within by highlighting them. Now head back to the creative mode by pushing Shift + F5. Paste the items you copied into a Model piece,...
The “kill block” is a signature of any awesome Roblox game, and it’s essential for any aspiring Roblox entrepreneur. Start by clicking the block (in this example, the rectangle to the left of the spawn pad). Read More:How to Turn on Team Create in Roblox Studio In the sidebar, hov...
Looking to start creating on Roblox instead of just playing other people's games? Here's what you need to know.
We believe the largest opportunity long-term is in leveraging AI to change not just how we create games, but the nature of the games themselves.
Upon opening Roblox Studio, there is now an obby template that you can use. It starts you out with a few levels, and you can edit them and create more as you wish. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0 Question Why can't you make an obby on an iPad? Alex Top Answerer In order to make ...