Use participle phrases to rearrange your sentence structure. Before: “I went to the driving range after I completed the task.” After: “Having completed the task, I went to the driving range.” Use prepositional phrases to start a sentence rather than to end it. Before: “The boy walked...
Analysis:In this “bǎ 把” sentence, “xiǎomíng 小明” is the subject, and “zuòyè 作业” is the object. If we change this sentence to a “bèi 被” sentence structure, we can change the place of the subject and the object, and the rest parts remain the same. 小明把作业写完了...
The way these sentences are made make a lot of difference in writing and we are going to learn all about that in this chapter. One thing to note here is that no matter what the structure of the sentence is, the meaning of the sentence does not change. That’s actually a very ...
简单句sentencecomplexsimple变成change 如何把简单句变成复杂句(Howtochangeasimplesentenceinto acomplexone) 如何把简单句变为复合句 1、在我看来„„正如我所见,就我而言,我所关心的是„/我的观点 /我认为从我的角度来看。 2毫无疑问地/毫无疑问地:毫无疑问„„是不可否认的。 3、唯恐:唯恐 4,以防...
How to Analyze Sentence Structure. Analyzing the structure of a sentence, also known as parsing a sentence, is the act of looking at a sentence to determine its components. The components of the sentence are what deliver the information we need to unders
I have been trying to write as well, and I am progressing, but I struggle with engagement. Your tips about varying sentence structure to highlight key messages will be very valuable for me. I think it will boost the rhythm of writing. I think I will try reading them out loud to gain...
Teaching sentence types hasn’t always been fun for me. Now that I feel confident in my approach, it’s my favorite grammar unit. If you’re wondering how to teach sentence structure, hopefully you can take some of the ideas in this post and combine them with what you know about...
torepeatsomethingwrittenorspokenusingdifferentwords,ofteninahumorousformorinasimplerandshorterformthatmakestheoriginalmeaningclearer.即用英语转述原文意思。Methods 1.changethesentencestructure(句型)2.usesynonyms(同义)3.changethepartofspeech(词性)4.changethevoice(语态)5.combinesentences(并句)Alexlikesplayingfootball...
EX. 6 Sentence structure . even though it is important of the students to have a deep understanding of the texts, it doesn’t make any sense to read texts word for word from the beginning to the end as it is a matter of little importance to us, it doesn’t make much sense to argu...
B.Changetheformsofthewordswhichmayinvolvestructuralchangestothesentence.•Example•GhanaisborderedonthewestbyCoted'Ivoire,onthenorthbyBurkinaFaso,andontheeastbyTogo.•GhanahasborderswithCoted'Ivoiretothewest,BurkinaFasotothenorth,andTogototheeast.C.Changingsentencestructure a.tocombinesentencesfromthe...