How to change SAP GUI color by SAP system SID (Base on SAP GUI 7.4) younmazz Participant 2015 Nov 20 4:05 AM 7 Kudos 68,699 SAP Managed Tags: UI SAP GUI for Windows Why ? If you are accessing multiple SAP systems in your office or at workplace and opening them ...
10.03.2020 - how to achieve dynamic changes for multiple languages Introduction A customer asked me today how to change the the properties sap:label, sap:heading and sap:quickinfo in an OData service that has been developed using ABAP code based implementation. Instead of the data which is ret...
sap.ui.define([ "sap/m/MessageBox", "sap/ui/core/library" ], function(MessageBox, coreLibrary) { "use strict"; return { onChangeCriticality: function(oEvent) { let sActionName = "service1.changeCriticality"; let mParameters = { contexts: oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext(), model: ...
var myFormatter={colorFormatter:function(value){if(value =="Y"){this.addStyleClass("yellow");returnvalue;}else{this.addStyleClass("Green");returnvalue;}}};sap.ui.define(['','sap/m/MessageToast','sap/ui/core/Fragment','sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller','sap/ui/model/Filter...
Solved: I am using sap.ui.unified.MenuItem in our product (IBP). When it's disabled it appears in blue color and when you hover the mouse over it, the cursor changes to
I'm replicating this same with SAP M tables with checkboxes in first column (I can as well do ui table, it shouldn't matter). But, in order to make the app work in the same way, I need to gather all the selected customers + any other form values and do Submit Changes. This work...
SAP Managed Tags: SAPUI5 For accomplishing business requirement, we need to catch when end user closes his session, meaning: when he navigate to another external url; closes window/tab; closes browser itself. Logout and timeout are already handled properly As per my findings, "onbeforeunload...
You should be able to determine the exact user that fails to have ACLs to the resource, and just adjust ACLs for that user on the necessary resources and resolve the issueCommon causes include:Wrong/Missing ACLs on the file for the authenticated user. You need to change the ACLs or change...
SAPUI5, SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins, C4C Extensibility In C4C it is very convenient to define rule to dynamically control the visibility of a given UI element. This blog mainly focus on how it works under the hood, so that in case you meet with trouble or this dynamical mechan...
UPDATE JUNE 2024: From SAP S/4HANA 2023, it is no longer supported to do a delta upgrade of your SAP Fiori Front-end server platform or SAP Fiori Front-end server