This is confirmed by typing qmake -v in the terminal and I get the output of QMake version 2.01a Using Qt version 4.7.4 in /opt/anaconda1anaconda2anaconda3/lib. I have scoured the internet and I can't work out how to tell whether I have a new qmake for the Qt5.2 or If I have ...
I'm trying to have a translated version of my installer which I've already created using a pre-built version of Qt installer framework, but the documentation is Inadequate and I need to know where I should put the translation file(en.qmfile which I've translated to the...
To convert an evaluation Windows Server into a full version, you will need to use the publicKMS client setup key(or Generic Volume License Key,GVLK) for your version of Windows Server. For a complete list of GVLK keys for all versions of Windows, visit the Microsoft websiteKey Management S...
**Do not forget to use/dswitch if you want to change drive in command prompt, e.g:cd /d d:. Usualcd d:does not work anymore – a little “surprise” from Microsoft. Contributions *As Evon pointed in comments, Qt folder has huge size (approx. 7GB) after compilation. One can safel...
It seems to work if you change this text to something fitting to your language, BUT I don't know what this "&Sandboxed" means. Why is there a "&"? But it seems to work without the "&"... Would it be much effort to add these small registry changes to the QT-GUI? If it ...
**Do not forget to use /d switch if you want to change drive in command prompt, e.g: cd /d d:. Usual cd d: does not work anymore – a little “surprise” from Microsoft. ...
To change the connectionStrings section back to clear text, run the following command from the command prompt: aspnet_regiis -pd "connectionStrings" -app "/MachineRSA" If the command is successful, you will see the following output: code Copy Decrypting configuration section... Succeeded! To ...
sudo apt-get install libpng16-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev ubuntu 16.04 with kubuntu packports ppa activated, so qt 5.6.1 I had to change line 22 of MainWindow.cpp to #include <**libpng16/**png.h> and line 55 of
I tried to build QT 5.11.1 for Android on Windows, and “configure.bat” completed successfully, but “mingw32-make” failed with with the following error: 1 No rule to make target 'vulkan/qvulkanfunctions_p.h', needed by '.obj\qvulkaninstance.obj'. It is the bug fixed in QT 5.11...