The Presto smartcard is the best value. You can use money stored on your Presto card here in Ottawa even if you bought your card in another city. We offer many fare options. You can pay per ride, per 1, 3, 5 or 7 days, or per month. Some customers may also qualify for discounts...
Jakub Hytka – Senior Manager, Impresto Leader Pavel Doležel – Manger, Credit Risk Modeling Petr Brabec - Associate Partner, IT Advisory Welcome to In addition to cookies that are strictly necessary to operate this website, we use the following types of cookies to impr...
Today all you need is a credit card to open a Facebook account, select a target audience, write a quick ad and presto, you have a marketing campaign. Choosing to run a campaign on Facebook Ads rather than Google Ads is not a ‘marketing strategy’. Digital plat...
Jakub Hytka – Senior Manager and Impresto Leader, Ernst & Young, s.r.o Marek Smilovský – Manager and Cashbot Leader, Ernst & Young, s.r.o Pavel Doležel – Manger, Credit Risk Modeling, Ernst & Young, s.r.o Petr Brabec – Associate Partner, IT Advisory, Ernst...
Taking place without change of entropy. from Free Scrabble DictionaryFind More Words! Wildcard(?) letters appear in REDHere are some other words you could make with the letters ISENTROPIC, you can alsouse this lookup tool to help you find words with our scrabble word finder....
What’s even better is that although the letter codes vary from month to month they never change from year to year. What’s better than that is that I just happen to know the letter codes that Burger King uses for every single month. The codes are as follows: ...
). Orrrrr we can cave in and pick up a new sexy TV to then stream everything to and slowly de-tach ourselves from Cable, but pending a change in the Mrs’ seas, that’s pretty out of the equation right now too. Though, I must admit it would be nice to free up some space up...
The credo you spread is bad engineering practice and a major factor in keeping us in IPv4 (Note: I’m no fan of IPv6, absolutely not, but I am a big fan of good engineering practice and of freedom, particularly the freedom to change a provider, to restructure an internal network, etc...
Jakub Hytka – Senior Manager, Impresto Leader Pavel Doležel – Manger, Credit Risk Modeling Petr Brabec - Associate Partner, IT Advisory Welcome to In addition to cookies that are strictly necessary to operate this website, we use the following types of cookies to improve you...
The result: Impresto.We wanted to push the boundaries for the bank and create a transformative solution whereby the customer could receive a loan in 15 minutes. Jakub Hytka Senior Manager, EY Financial Services Consulting Impresto in action EY teams set about implementing the Impresto pl...