IF THE GAME FAILS TO LAUNCH / START OR YOU GET THE WARNING THAT "Buffout 4 has loaded too late!":Open xSE Plugin Preloader.xml with a text editor, go to line 14 or 15 and you should see <LoadMethod Name= " ... ">Change whatever is between the quotation marks in this line to ...
Starkrun:This is a 2 step process, one is making a new REG entry and pointing to the GOG edition and the other is SimLinking 2 folders together. Somebody should bump this, works great. If it's not clear, this solves the Vortex saving plugin/loadorder files to the wro...
Move photos off of social media: If Facebook is your default photo backup storage solution, you may want to change that, for privacy and other reasons. If you have photos from the app that you want to hang on to, go to Photos, then Albums, click on the album, click on the gear, ...