To become part of the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave is an aspiration for many. The appeal is undeniable: Voting rights, access to more jobs and federal benefits, and the ability to travel the world through one of the most widely accepted passports. But if you aren’t a citiz...
How do I change parties? To change your party affiliation, fill out the samevoter registration formthat you used to register the first time. When filling out the form, select the box that says “change of party.” If you adjust your affiliation less than 15 days before the election, the ...
How do the Characteristics of Voting Advice Application Users Change Over Time? Evidence from the German Election StudiesUnequal and declining electoral turnout has spurred numerous initiatives to reverse the trend. Voting advice applications (VAAs) are one prominent attempt. VAAs match the opinions of...
Click the link on the home page to register to vote. Fill out the form completely, indicating whether you are registering for the first time or are registering due to an address or name change. Check the box confirming that you are a US citizen, provide all of your contact information, s...
A buy-sell agreement establishes rules for ownership transfers to prevent disputes or unwanted ownership changes. It typically covers: Right of First Refusal: Existing owners get the first opportunity to buy shares before external parties. Triggering Events: Defines what happens in cases of retirement...
Voting on the Rez: How Parties, Campaigns, Interest Groups, and Non-Profits Increased American IndianTurnout in South Dakota in 2004Smith, Elizabeth T
Regarding foreign policy, Lula aims to create a stable and favorable external environment for Brazil's highly export-oriented economy. He may change the conservative position of the Bolsonaro government, strengthen regional cooperation mechanisms in Latin America, deepen cooperation with BRICS countries, ...
The 1965 Voting Rights Act (VRA) allowed the federal government to use its power to ensure equal voting rights for all American citizens especially African Americans living in the Deep South. Historically, their voting rights were stymied by racially motivated Jim Crow laws, e.g., literacy...
Pro Tip:Always ask for 24 hours to consider any offer that has been made to you. Past the adrenaline of the negotiation and the enthusiasm of receiving an updated offer, you might want to change your mind. Taking a step back and assessing your options are a great way to ensure your nex...
Smart contracts operate automatically and are programmed to be secure, immutable, and binding. There are 4 basic steps involved in a smart deal: 1. Transacting parties record the terms: The terms of the deal between the two parties are outlined (payment, time, tasks, etc.) ...