Step 2: If trap is a swivel type, curved trap section(s) will come free. However, keep trap upright as you remove it, and pour water out after part is free. If trap is fixed and does not swivel, remove tailpiece slip nut at drain flange and slip nut at top of trap. Shove tailpi...
In the next sections, we'll see why change may be a good thing, learn more about the specifics of the dual flush and find out how government and business are coming together to help America flush responsibly. Next up, let's take a closer look at the dual flush toilet's history and ...
(the flange) around the cup. The flange is inserted into the toilet drain, sealing in the air and increasing the suction power. In a pinch, you can fold the rubber ring back into the bell of the plunger and use it to unclog a tub or sink drain, but a true cup plunger will be ...
After removing the wing nuts, you can simply lift the tank off the bowl and move it out of the way. Remove the Caps Locate the caps on the base of the toilet and remove them. Doing so will unveil the bolts that connect the bowl to the flange in the floor. Remove the bolts. If ...
Going to the bathroom wasn't something people were squeamish about in the past. Poop and pee were just experiences — opportunities for relaxation and hanging out. The ancient Romans used sitting on the toilet as a time to catch up with their friends. In the year 315 C.E., Rome had 144...
Leaking from underneath the toilet: The wastewater should only seep past a bad wax ring if the water is backing up from further down the line. Even when a wax seal is bad, the water that is being flushed through a free drain shouldn't escape past the wax on the closet flange (beneath...
So I took that off and went to plan B. Pipe and flange! This worked out perfectly. One thing to consider when deciding what lengths of pipe to purchase is the thickness of your mattress. I went with a thick mattress (10″) so the final height of the bed base would be 18″, a ...
Then let the first button go and pull it out. Underneath you'll see a screw head or a bolt head - unscrew and then the flange can be removed, allowing you to remove the lid. Halli June 2007 I can answer this question ... How do I get the lid off my Roca dual flush toilet's ...
termination fittings such as faucet and toilet stubouts are installed, drain shower pans are mortared into place with drain fittings installed and a toilet flange is mounted into the floor. The plumber conducts a walk-through review with the city building inspector and then works with the homeown...
What you are looking for is a riser also called extension flange. But considering you are able to get to the pipe below - you could just extend it to what you need, but cramped space and a crappy job - and possibly not being able to seal it properly well - could be really ... ...