Oricorio — Level 59 (Electric/Flying-type) Flamigo — Level 60 (Flying/Fighting-type with Flying Terra Form) As you can see, all of Larry’s Pokémon are a mix of Flying and another type, which complicates things a bit. You should use a Fire-type to counter his Tropius, Electric a...
Oricorio Baile Style Pom-Pom Style Pa’u Style Sensu Style Cutiefly Ribombee Rockruff Own Tempo Rockruff Lycanroc Midday Form Midnight Form Dusk Form Wishwashi Solo Form School Form Mareanie Toxapex Mudbray Mudsdale Dewpider Araquanid Fomantis Lurantis Morelull Shiinotic Salandit Salazzle...
Gimmicky only way to change it is to burn it to the ground Jun 6, 2024 #804 When looking through the central Kalos dex, I noticed two main trends: 1) There is basically zero ground types! 2) A lot of the Pokemon available have some very unique...