This How-To details how use Oracle SQL Developer to connect to your Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (XE). Startup Oracle SQL Developer. From within the Connections navigator on the left side of the tool, right-click on Connections. Select New Database Connection. Enter the following...
Port: 1521 SID: XE Click Connect Your Connections will be expanded for you and a SQL Worksheet will be opened on the right side of the tool against your new connection. You can click the + to the left of your new Connection to view the objects accessible to the connected user or ca...
Oracle Data Guard requires that you configure a static listener. The following example uses${ORACLE_HOME}=/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1and shows where to add the entry for the static listener in the${ORACLE_HOME}/network/admin/listener.orafile. TheSID_LIST_LISTENER_PHYS-NEWYORK-1and(...
在[ (Oracle)] 畫面的 [註冊來源] 畫面上,執行下列動作: 輸入要在目錄中列出數據來源的[名稱]。 輸入要連線到 Oracle 來源的主機名。 這可以是: 用來連線到資料庫伺服器的主機名。 例如 IP 位址。 例如: 輸入Oracle) 預設用來連線至資料庫伺服器的埠號碼(1521。
Just not sure what to change it to. Drive class: "macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver" Driver name: "Macromedia Oracle Driver" JDBC URL: jdbc:macromedia:oracle://[server]:1521;SERVICENAME=[servicename];jdbcbehavior=0;EncryptionLevel=required;EncryptionTypes=(AES256, AES128, 3DES1...
ORACLE_DSN dbi:Oracle:host=localhost;sid=XE;port=1521 ORACLE_USER migrator ORACLE_PWD test #Setthe Oracleschema/ownertouseSCHEMAMIGRATORSetthe target PostgreSQL versioninthe following configuration: #Setthe PostgreSQL major versionnumberofthe targetdatabase. Ex:9.6or10#Defaultisthecurrentmajor version ...
1.1) Adding TCPS endpoints to the Database listener(s) [oracle@net-rac1 ~]$ srvctl modify listener -p "TCP:1521/TCPS:1523"; [oracle@net-rac1 ~]$ srvctl stop listener [oracle@net-rac1 ~]$ srvctl start listener Database listener configuration checks: ...
1. Change the%ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\listener.orafile from an IP number to machine name. 2. Change the%ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\tnsnames.orafile from an IP number to a machine name. 3. Change theC:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hostsfile by adding this line beneath the defaultlocal...
1521 TCP Oracle (Oracle database) Disable always. 3306 TCP MySQL (database) Disable always. 5000 TCP Sybase/DB2 (database) Disable always. 5432 TCP PostgreSQL (database) Disable always. 6379 TCP Redis (database) Disable always. 27017-27018 TCP MongoDB (database) ...
So relevant entries need to be created for the default service name of pluggable databases in the tnsnames.ora file as shown below: PDB1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = OracleRACscan.dbase.lab)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = ...