Hi all, I can use Teams Toolkit in VSC to publish a package to MS Teams. I can use the Manifest.json to add a custom logo. What I can't figure out how to do is to change the name of the published a... CardinalNight- You can change the name of your publish...
"parameterValueSet":{"name":"connectionstringauth","values":{"connectionString":{"value":"Endpoint=sb://<sbnamespace>.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=<Access key>"}}},"displayName
[PowerShell] How to change Windows 10 default web browser to IE using PowerShell? [Powershell] lastlogondate exactly 90 days ago [SOLVED] Domain Join Assistance: Account Already Exists [Solved] Exporting profile photos from Office365 [SOLVED] Leveraging EWS (Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll) ...
Add-MailboxFolderPermission error when the trying to grant permissions to mail-enabled user Add-Member Same NoteProperty with multiple values Add-NTFSAccess sometimes fails with: Cannot bind parameter 'Account'. Cannot convert value "groupname" to type "Security2.IdentityReference2". Error: "The t...
{\\n \\\"prefix\\\": \\\"tff\\\",\\n \\\"body\\\": [\\n \\\"toggleFeature({ name: ${1:'isAppRedesigned'}, on: ${3: () => }, off: ${2: () => } })\\\"\\n ]\\n }\\n}\\n\",\"typescriptreact.json\":\"{\\n // Place your snippets for type...
Rename– This action changes the device name that the user can see in the Company Portal. It does not change the local device name, only the listing in the Company Portal. Sync– This action initiates a device check-in with the Intune service. This shows asCheck Statusin the Company Port...
Subscription boxes typically range in price from $15 to $100 per month. Over time, this profit model can scale quickly as more subscribers join. Here are some pros and cons of the curation model: Pros High profit potential due to recurring revenue. Flexibility to change curated products to ...
1. Connected customer journeys lead to more efficient marketing. Part of the vision the companies laid out in the V2MOM reads, “Together we innovate unique direct-to-consumer and omni-channel journeys.” That’s a reflection of a sea change in car shopping: 80% of customers now use online...
Name: Enter a unique name for your slot. Deployment slot setting: SelectDo not clone. Save: ClickSave. You should now see your new slot in the list of deployment slots. Click on the new slot to open thedeployment slotblade. You should see a similar screen...
To change your email, visit My Settings.","email.verification.message.resend.email":"To participate in the community, you must first verify your email address. The verification email was sent to {email}. Resend email."},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:text:en_US-sh...