NSDL toll-free contact number: 1800 222 990 Income tax department’s toll-free contact number: 18001801961 Note that the above-mentioned numbers are subject to change over time. You must thus visit the authorised websites before dialling the numbers. ...
B.Once you have this, then change you PAN card i.This site gives you details on how to change date of birth https://tin.tin.nsdl.com/pan/correctiondsc.html ii.Pease read this guidance on how to fill the form (https://tin.tin.nsdl.com/pan/InstructionsCorr.html#instruct_corr) ...
It is not a substitute for specific advice in your own circumstances. The information is subject to updation, completion, revision, verification and amendment and the same may change materially. The information is not intended for distribution or use by any person in any jurisdiction where such ...
To set the deductee type:Press Enter on Unable to determine deductee type for party. Press Spacebar to select the Name of the Ledger. Press Ctrl+F4 (Deductee Type). Select the required Deductee Type. Press F8 (Show Vouchers) Ctrl+H (Change View)...
Red Herring editors were among the first to recognize that companies such as Google, Facebook, Kakao, Alibaba, Twitter, Rakuten, Salesforce.com, Xiaomi and YouTube would change the way we live and work. Top 25 in India - Consultants Review Researchers have found out that organization using ...
authorized TDS software. According to the Indian government’s list of authorized TDS filing software, it also earned the highest rank in 2012-13. TheTDS return filing softwareallows professionals to directly login to the TRACES CPC and NSDL, so they do not have to generate user IDs each ...
A senior citizen(the resident individual who is 60 yrs or more) who do not have any income from business & profession, does not have to pay advance tax. This change was introduced from AY 2013-14. More details atSenior Citizen : Income and Tax ...
Instant e-PAN can be applied for by individuals who don’t hold a PAN card in their name - Individuals who have not be allotted a PAN Number either by NSDL or UTI. Individuals with valid Aadhaar number and an active mobile number linked to their Aadhaar. ...
Proof of changes required (eg. marriage certificate for change in name after marriage) Visit theApplication for PAN Change Request pageon NSDL website and read all the guidelines before you click on the link namedOnline Application for Changes Or Correction in PAN Data (PAN Change Request Form)...
Ques. While relocating from one city to another do I have to change my PAN? No, PAN is permanent in nature and remains same even if you relocate within India. Ques. Can an individual hold more than one PAN Card? No, an individual cannot hold more than one PAN. One shall be penalized...