Jollespaintsthedividinglinebetweeninfluencingforgoodandmanipulatingforselfishreasonsandsharesthequestionsandtrustexercisesthatmakeinfluencethekeytocreatingpositivechange. 品牌:中图公司 上架时间:2013-06-03 出版社:Berrett-Koehler Publishers 本书数字版权由中图公司提供,并由其授权上海阅文信息技术有限公司制作发行 —...
And the problem is, this assumption is not only wrong, but when we refuse to give others and even ourselves permission to ask questions, change minds, including our mind or think differently than their current label or belief, leads with Well, who really wins in either scenario, nobody. ...
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How to Change Minds是Rob Jolles写的小说,最新章节更新至About the Author,全文无弹窗在线阅读How to Change Minds就上QQ阅读男生网
In theory, this data should be able to change minds — but in reality, it often doesn’t. The “last mile for data,” as Haidt called it, is the person who receives it. And people are, as Fivetran CEO George Fraser said in his introduction to the keynote, “the weakest link.”...
How to change mindsWhy does scientific and engineering communication sometimes fail to sway decision-makers to take action on the issue at hand?Theresa J. BarkerIIE Solutions
英文原版电子书:怎么改变别人的想法?How to change minds?提高英语阅读,还能学到一点很实用的知识,...
HOW to CHANGE MINDS This page intentionally left blank HOW to CHANGE MINDS The Art o, Infuence without Manipulation RObJOllES How to Change Minds Copyright©2013 by Rob Jol les Al l rights reserved No part of this publ ication may be reproduced, distrib-uted, or transmitted ...