An HOA usually has a board of directors or governors. These groups are elected to enforce and oversee the HOA’s rules and regulations. An HOA typically describes its rules asrestrictive covenantsin a document called a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). CC&Rs set ...
Depending on the covenants and bylaws imposed by your HOA’s board of directors, you may need HOA approval before you begin any home improvement projects. While this may feel like an infringement on your property rights, you most likely agreed to these rules when you moved in. It’s also...
9 common HOA rules violations to avoid Here are some of the most common areas regulated by HOA rules. Violating them might be easy to do, even unknowingly, so make sure you understand the ins and outs of your HOA’s bylaws. 1. Landscaping ...
There was a short online sketch I can't find again now, but by the same group who did the bitchy resting face video, where a couple chatters about their aspirations for travel, urban lifestyle, etc., then they both go gray-faced and drone in unison to each other, "Let's just move...
A homeowners' association (HOA) is a group of elected residents who own homes in the same development/community. This group is responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations agreed upon by the residents, and they exercise some...