If you want to use the desert color scheme instead, just specify it instead of delek, like this: :colo desert Note: If those color schemes don’t seem to make any change to your vim session, try some of the other color schemes listed below, such as darkblue, evening, shine, etc....
There are two ways to change Vim colors: changing the color scheme or changing individual colors. The following text elaborates on both methods. Change Vim Color Scheme After prompting Vim to display a color scheme list, change the design until you find a suitable one. To change the Vim col...
set so=7 set wildmenu "Turn on WiLd menu set ruler "Always show current position set cmdheight=2 "The commandbar height set hid "Change buffer - without saving " Set backspace config set backspace=eol,start,indent set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l set ignorecase "Ignore case when searching set ...