Common App Essay Prompt #4asks students to talk about a time when they felt gratitude for something someone did. Gratitude has become a quality that individuals are encouraged to connect to and reflect on, which explains the commonality of essays on gratitude in college classes. This question of...
Change Soft Goods Every Five Years:Hardgoods such as carabiners, cams, and belay devices can last for decades, but Dyneema gear like slings, harnesses, and the linkages on cams and quickdraws should be swapped every five years. Most climbers I know wait longer (you don’t want to be th...
I don’t even care about the grades. Da- Hae and I absolutely adored him. Do you know what I mean? KI-WOO Of course. YON-KYO We just loved him so much. I wanted him to stay with Da-Hae through her college exams next year, but now he’s leaving to study abroad and I’m...
It isn’t just the pandemic, you see. We’ve been trying to disrupt the Victorian model with limited success for more than a century now. Maria Montessori opened her first enlightened classroom in 1907; the system she started encouraged play and creativity in learning and discouraged grades. ...
In this complete guide, a Harvard alum explains the keys to getting into Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Yale and other top schools in the Ivy League. You may find that you need to completely change your application strategy.
Educators learn good classroom discipline strategies through academic preparation and on the job. Great teachers adapt basic techniques to find best practices that work in their classrooms. These can change depending on the types of...