But I got back to the legacy Arduino IDE, it's more convenient for me more than vscode and the new Arduino IDE. oskardev commented Mar 12, 2023 Maybe it will be helpful - maybe not - I had a project already created in the Arduino IDE then I decided to use the Arduino extension f...
If note I can move this issue to the right place. github-actions bot added the info-needed label Apr 5, 2024 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Assignees No one assigned Labels feature-request info-needed triage-needed ...
A step-by-step guide on how to undo the last git commit or reset to a previous commit in Visual Studio Code.
So, now after you have downloaded a file named asVSCodeSetup-version.exe, double-click on the file to install it. It will just take about a minute to install, depending on how powerful the hardware you are running. You will now get a UAC or User Account Control Prompt to which you wi...
How to install VScode on Nvidia TX2. Contribute to zenetio/Install-VScode-On-TX2 development by creating an account on GitHub. I’m stuck on Step 7 ( ~$ yarn) with the following message output: jetsontx2@jetsontx2-desktop:~/jetson_software/visual_studio_code_source/new_installation_13_06...
This was a nice change in v2020.1 as run configs were the only thing we wanted to share (and I think this is a common desire/use-case). But sharing just the.idea/runConfigurationsdirectory caused some issues when people went to first load the project. Since we switch...
VSCode Bicep Extension - visualization of resource dependency Function app slots Function apps, like web apps in Azure, can have deployment slots depending on the hosting plan you selected. I love using these and in my articleHow to: CI/CD/IaC for Azure Function Apps and GitHub Actions, I ...
The "Add your data" feature in the Azure AI Studio playground doesn't support private storage account. Once you enable managed VNet isolation of your Azure AI, you can't disable it. Managed VNet uses private endpoint connection to access your private resources. You can't have a private endp...
An Ably account, which isfree to sign up for. Create a new Ably App, andcreate an API keywithPublish,Subscribe, andPresencecapabilities. The.NET 6 SDK. A code editor such asVSCode. 2. Creating a new console app Open a terminal and start by creating a new folder namedConsoleChat: ...
Based on what you work with, be it remote or local repositories, the Git commands change. Let’s take a look at the various commands in Git. Git Commands When Working with Local Repositories git init: This Git command converts a directory into an empty repository. This is the initial ste...